
Organization’s Characteristics Oriented Search

Our experience in search of talents is based on particular organization and industry specifics analysis, which implies the thorough examination of client, business specifics analysis and/or the understanding of competitive environment and other challenges. 

We have an active contact with the company to specify the needs, determine the desired candidate’s traits and to agree on the methods of the search.

Using the anticipated specifics of an organization we search for:

  • The leaders;
  • High rank managers;
  • Middle rank managers;
  • Professionals in other fields.

Compliance Establishment

We believe that the team consisting of the members with common value is the key to success, because of that we examine the core values of the partner companies, analyze its specifics and look for the candidates who will successfully integrate with the organization’s culture.

We help the candidates to analyze the specifics and the objectives of a company with which they plan to establish collaboration and to realize that the work and the role they are offered are corresponding to their interests and expectations.

To establish the compliance we thoroughly examine the potential candidates, which includes: 

  • Evaluate the proficiency and the results of a candidate;
  • Search for the recommendations for his results and competence;
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate;
  • Define and evaluate candidate’s knowledge;
  • Define the motivation;
  • Define the expectations.

At every level of this examination we inform the client about the process development.

Selecting the Best Candidate

The candidates who comply with the specifics of the role and the work of a company will proceed to the next level of selection – the meeting with a company manager. Before the meeting with the candidates we present the client with the resumes, evaluations and recommendation letters for the best candidates. We go through the potentials of every single candidate and arrange the further meetings with them. 

During the selection phase the transfer of information between the two parties is controlled by our consultant. 

Preparation of the Best Proposal

Due to the fact that it is important for us to have a long term relations with our clients and partners, we are always ready to assist companies not only in the search for the professionals, but also in formation and consolidation of positive outlines for the partner companies in the labor force market.

Insource team members are ready to fully realize our responsibility and exceed our clients’ expectations.